
O'MALLEY FAMILY shamrocks Baltimore, Maryland

shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks
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The O'Malleys Move to Gardenville -- 1929

2004 Reunion Photos

2007 Reunion Photos

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Funeral Prayer Cards

Information on the Knop Family

Wedding video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz - 1948

Memories from Family and Friends

Edward James O'Malley's 1910 yearbook entry

Holy Redeemer Cemetery Burial Information


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O'Malley Memories

Random memories from O'Malley Family and Friends


In the picture: Patsy, Rhea, Eddie, Jerry


Ed O'Malley Sr was a clerk at the Baltimore City Council. When he died, Louise got the job. And then when she died, young Edward, just out of Loyola High School, I think, was given the job. I think at one time he was the reading clerk, and may have been the chief clerk.
I also remember that Louise was at Mass every morning, no matter what the weather was. Ed O'Malley, Sr. had a brother Patrick who was very active in politics. He had two sisters, Aunt Bessie and Aunt Katie. I think one of their last names was Murray. Dolores Sproul Sprissler - Carl Knop's wife -- July 2005


Rhea's very first job, in 1950, was babysitting me for the summer; that fall, and until Richie was born, I became part of the car pool (dropped at my Aunt Edna's house) with a reserved seat on A.G.'s lap; when we first moved to 3905 Echodale in 1955, Richie and I shared the front bedroom with Patsy; I have visited Jerry as much as any of his siblings over the past 25 years, and the 4 times he's returned to the Baltimore area ('54,'61,'69,'92), he stayed with the Griffins. One of the advantages of being the eldest of the younger generation has been my relationships with the youngsters of the elder generation.

Our grandfather's employment is a great mystery to Patsy and Rhea and Jerry. They were little kids when our grandparents died, and their memories of them are like still photos. Ed O'Malley was a clerk of the City Council, as was Louise, briefly, after his death; our uncle Eddie also held that position until he moved to Tulsa. That was a position that drew a stipend, though, not a job that draws enough income to buy 4500 for cash one month before the stockmarket crash....
Pat Griffin -- July 2005


For all of you who have no reason to have heard this story. One day at the dinner table I was instructed to finish my vegetables, specifically the peas. That's when I uttered that infamous reply "I can't, they get stuck in my throat". For my beloved sisters I am happy to report that things have changed mightily. My diet includes such veggies as cauliflower, broccoli, peas, carrots, corn, et al. And just a couple of weeks ago I actually spilled a glass of iced tea and immediately contemplated calling Rhea but thought better of it. True story
Jerry O'Malley -- July 2005


One thing I do remember about Uncle Karl was him getting extremely angry with AG about something and the confrontation (?) ended with a quote that went something like this, "If I ever catch you and that Michael Rubinoff (Pat Rudolph) again I"ll twist your g--damn ears off". As I recall, Uncle Karl tended to have somewhat of a short fuse.
Another memorable off-quoted remark from the past ..."Shut up, you roach!"
Jerry O'Malley -- July 2005


I feel compelled to write for the record that our aunt's name is "Bertie", short for Bertha. She never married but had a long-time gentleman friend named Bill. I think he had been married before so marriage to Bertie was not in the cards.
Also, I made the assumption that the Staabs bought the house from the Spahns. I don't know that for sure but they did live in the same house.
I had forgot the wide usage of the word "punk" among AG, your dad. Gene Malpass & friends. The word "o'n'ry" was used so often I don't think I consciously realized what was really intended.
Patsy O'Malley Bates -- July 2005


More Memories from Pat Griffin

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shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks