
O'MALLEY FAMILY shamrocks Baltimore, Maryland

shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks
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About the Website

Family History documents

The O'Malleys Move to Gardenville -- 1929

2004 Reunion Photos

2007 Reunion Photos

Trivia and Fun Facts

Photo Library

Other Branches on the O'Malley Family Tree (under construction)

Search for a family member (under construction)

Gravestone Photos

Funeral Prayer Cards

Information on the Knop Family

Wedding video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz - 1948

Memories from Family and Friends

Edward James O'Malley's 1910 yearbook entry

Holy Redeemer Cemetery Burial Information


Chronological List of Birthdates

Contact Kathy

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Trivia and Fun Facts


In the picture: Left to right: Mary Louise, Patsy, Eddie, Carl Knop, Jerry (in front of Carl), Helen, Rhea (in front of Helen), Catherine, Danny, AG (in front of Danny)

The children of the nine brothers and sisters born between 1917 and 1933 number 38. There are 21 boys and 17 girls. There are three Dannys, two Patricks, three Kathleens, two Patricias, and two Richards. Only two of the 38 share the same birthday, sisters Jane Griffin and Karen Griffin Korpiel, who are exactly a year apart. Only one is a leap year baby, Peggy O'Malley, born February 29, 1956.

The oldest cousin is Pat Griffin, born August 1, 1949, and the youngest is Jeffrey O'Malley, born September 25, 1970.

In the next generation, there are 63 children. The oldest are Kristine and Kathleen Griffin, twin daughters of Richie and Carol Griffin, born July 2, 1972, and the youngest is Amanda Olivia Bates, daughter of Dan and Debbie Bates, born on December 28, 2007.

In Catherine's family, both dad Pat, Jane, Karen, and Patty's daughter Allison were born on December 1, and Catherine and Patty were born on January 19. Patty's son, Daniel Griffin Nett's birthday is December 19, 1994. He was due on Patty's 40th birthday and Catherine's 70th, but came a month early.

There are two sets of twins in Danny's family. Benjamin and Kevin are the sons of Bobby and Elizabeth, born April 6, 1990. Tyler and Trevor are the sons of Woody and Terry, born October 29, 1991.

All of the boys in Danny's family (Danny Jr, Joe, Bobby, and David) are firefighters, just like their dad was.

The most births in the family for one year is six, and it happened in 1986. The 1986 babies are Danielle Cruz, Katherine Nett, Danny O'Malley, Chase O'Malley, Kerry Ferrante, and Kelly Korpiel.

And nobody in the entire family was born on St. Patrick's Day.

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shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks