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O'MALLEY FAMILY shamrocks Baltimore, Maryland

shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks
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About the Website

Family History documents

The O'Malleys Move to Gardenville -- 1929

2004 Reunion Photos

2007 Reunion Photos

Trivia and Fun Facts

Photo Library

Other Branches on the O'Malley Family Tree (under construction)

Search for a family member (under construction)

Gravestone Photos

Funeral Prayer Cards

Information on the Knop Family

Wedding video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz - 1948

Memories from Family and Friends

Edward James O'Malley's 1910 yearbook entry

Holy Redeemer Cemetery Burial Information


Chronological List of Birthdates

Contact Kathy

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About the Website

The website was created in 2004 and is maintained by Kathy Steinitz Cooke, who is the daughter of Helen O'Malley and Louis Steinitz. Its purpose is to share information about the extended O'Malley family in Baltimore, Maryland.

The nine O'Malley brothers and sisters grew up in the 1920s and 1930s in Gardenville, on LaSalle Avenue in Northeast Baltimore, and produced a total of 38 children in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Kathy is one of those cousins.

Kathy lives in Baltimore County. To contact Kathy, send an email to kathycooke2013 at gmail dot com. Replace the word at with an @ sign, and the word dot with a period. (I write it this way to avoid a bunch of spam.)


Kathy's Ethnicity Profiles - From a DNA Submission to

Kathy's Original Ethnicity Profile September 2018
Ethnicity Percent
Europe East 31%
Ireland/Scotland/Wales 28%
Scandinavia 15%
European Jewish 11%
Great Britain 10%

Kathy's Updated Ethnicity Profile September 2020
Ethnicity Percent
Germanic Europe 31%
Ireland (Connacht, South Connemara and Galway) 23%
Eastern Europe and Russia 19%
European Jewish 15%
England and Northwestern Europe 5%
Baltics 3%
Sweden 3%
Scotland 1%

Kathy's Updated Ethnicity Profile September 2021
Ethnicity Percent
Germanic Europe 31%
Ireland (Connacht, South Connemara and Galway) 19%
Eastern Europe and Russia 25%
European Jewish 16%
Wales 4%
Norway 1%
Sweden and Denmark 3%
Scotland 1%

Kathy's Updated Ethnicity Profile March 2023
Ethnicity Percent
Eastern Europe and Russia 30%
Ireland 25%
Germanic Europe 21%
Jewish 15%
England and Northwestern Europe 5%
Sweden and Denmark 2%
Norway 2%

Kathy's Updated Ethnicity Profile May 2024
Ethnicity Percent
Ireland (Connacht, Galway, South Connemara) 33%
Eastern Europe and Russia (Western Czechia, Northern South Bohemia) 29%
Germanic Europe (Central and Eastern Germany, Northeastern Germany and Northwestern Poland, Koszalin to Jastrowie Poland) 17%
Jewish (Ashkenazi Jews in Central and Eastern Europe) 16%
England and Northwestern Europe 3%
Sweden and Denmark 2%

Read more about Connacht, South Connemara, and Galway from here.

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shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks