
O'MALLEY FAMILY shamrocks Baltimore, Maryland

shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks
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Family History documents

The O'Malleys Move to Gardenville -- 1929

2004 Reunion Photos

2007 Reunion Photos

Trivia and Fun Facts

Photo Library

Other Branches on the O'Malley Family Tree (under construction)

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Gravestone Photos

Funeral Prayer Cards

Information on the Knop Family

Wedding video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz - 1948

Memories from Family and Friends

Edward James O'Malley's 1910 yearbook entry

Holy Redeemer Cemetery Burial Information


Chronological List of Birthdates

Contact Kathy

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O'Malley Family History


In the picture:Front: Jerry, Rhea, Patsy Middle: Catherine, Mary Louise, AG, Danny Back: Eddie, Pat O'Malley (uncle of the nine siblings), Helen, Summer 1938

The earliest relatives we know anything about are the great grandparents of the nine siblings.

Maternal great grandfather: Adam Droll was born in Bavaria, Germany,and was a tailor.
Maternal great grandmother: Unknown.

(For more information on the Droll Family and other distant relatives, go to the Other Branches on the O'Malley Family Tree page).

Maternal grandparents:
Albert F Knop was born on April 21, 1867 in Germany, and died on January 14, 1911, at age 43.
Mary Bertha Droll was born on September 27, 1866 in Germany. (Some records say 1867). She died on December 22, 1921, at the age of 54, and is buried in Holy Redeemer Cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland.

Paternal grandparents:
Edward James O'Malley was born in May 1849 in Ireland.
Katherine Lee's birthdate is unknown.

Albert F Knop married Mary Bertha Droll in approximately 1889. They had 9 children: Ann, Helen, Louise (mother of the nine siblings, born March 30, 1896), Albert, Bertha, Joseph, George, Elizabeth, and Carl. See family portrait on the Pre1950 Photo Page.

Edward O'Malley married Katherine Lee. They had four children: Edward Jr (father of the nine siblings, born July 18, 1891), Patrick, Katharine (Katie), and Elizabeth (Bessie).

Edward O'Malley Jr married Louise Knop on June 6, 1917. They had nine children: Edward, Helen, Catherine, Mary Louise, Danny, AG, Patsy, Jerry, and Rhea.

What Edward did for a living is somewhat of a mystery. Dolores Sproul Sprissler, whose first husband was Carl Knop, remembers that he was a clerk at the Baltimore City Council. When he died, his wife Louise got the job. And then when she died, young Edward, just out of Loyola High School, was given the job. It seems unlikely, however, that Edward Sr was able to support his family on a clerk's salary, so he may have had a second job.

In 1938, both parents of the nine children died. Edward died of pneumonia on February 21, 1938. Louise died of a stroke eight months later on October 5, 1938. At the time their children ranged in age from 20 to just 4. The children stayed together with the help of their uncle, Carl Knop, Louise's brother, who came to live with them.

Three years later, on August 14, 1941, Mary Louise, the fourth child, died of pneumonia at the age of 14.

On June 12, 1948, Helen married Louis Joseph Steinitz. They had five children: Mary Ellen, Kathy, Paul, Louis, and Anne. Lou died in 1990, and Helen died in 1991. More details on Helen's Family page.

That same year, on September 25, 1948, Catherine married Earl LeCompte Griffin. They had six children: Patrick, Richie, Jane, Karen, Patty, and Mary Carol. Catherine died in 2004. More details on Catherine's Family page.

On April 30, 1949, Eddie married Dorothy Geary. They had six children: Eddie Jr, Kevin, Owen, Peggy, Patrick, and Katie. Eddie died in 1972. More details on Eddie's Family page.

Also in 1949, on June 18, Danny married Betty Snack. They had five children: Danny Jr, Terry, Joey, Bobby, and David. Danny died in 1986, and Danny Jr died in 2006. More details on Danny's Family page.

On June 28, 1952, Rhea married Jack Wright. They had five children: Danny, Colin, Maureen, Stewart, Colleen. Rhea died in 2006. More details on Rhea's Family page.

On xx/xx/xx, AG married Evelyn Sumwalt. They had three children: Patty, Michael, and Tommy. AG died in 1981, and Patty died in 1997. More details on AG's Family page.

On September 15, 1956, Patsy married Bob Bates. They had six children: Richie, Stephanie, CeCe, Tim, Danny, and Connie. More details on Patsy's Family page.

On June 2, 1962, Jerry married Sakai Abe, whom he met in Japan while in the service. They had two children: Miki and Jeffrey. Miki died in 1992. More details on Jerry's Family page.

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shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks