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O'MALLEY FAMILY shamrocks Baltimore, Maryland

shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks
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About the Website

Family History documents

The O'Malleys Move to Gardenville -- 1929

2004 Reunion Photos

2007 Reunion Photos

Trivia and Fun Facts

Photo Library

Other Branches on the O'Malley Family Tree (under construction)

Search for a family member (under construction)

Gravestone Photos

Funeral Prayer Cards

Information on the Knop Family

Wedding video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz - 1948

Memories from Family and Friends

Edward James O'Malley's 1910 yearbook entry

Holy Redeemer Cemetery Burial Information


Chronological List of Birthdates

Contact Kathy

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Helen Mary O'Malley

Born: May 29, 1920    Died: September 12, 1991 (Age 71)

Married Louis Joseph Steinitz (1920-1990) on June 12, 1948

Five Children:

Mary Ellen Steinitz

Kathleen Frances Steinitz (Husband John Cooke)

Paul Stephen Steinitz (wife Dianne)
   Two Children:
   Jessica (Jessi) (husband Eric Morrison)
      Two children -- Joshua Donny Morrison and Caileigh Morrison

   Jonathan (husband Marc)

Louis Edward Steinitz (wife Kathy)
   Four Children:
   Stuart Jason Van Nostrand
   Michael Justin Van Nostrand
   Kristina (Kristy)
   Louis Jr

Anne Elizabeth Steinitz (husband Jeff Weinel)
   Four Children:
   Katherine (Katie) (husband Walter Einhorn)

Lou and Helen
June 1948
Mary Ellen, Kathy, Paul, Louis
Paul, Kathy, Anne, Mary Ellen, Louis
March 2002

Go to Helen's Family Photo Library

Click here to see Lou and Helen's Wedding Reception video on You Tube. The video actually starts at about the 10 second mark.

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shamrocks Eddie's family Helen's family Catherine's family Danny's family Mary Louise AG's family Patsy's family Jerry's family Rhea's family shamrocks