
O'MALLEY FAMILY shamrock Baltimore, Maryland

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About the Website

Family History

newMilitary Documents

newCensus Info (1900-1950)

newAlbert Knop sails to America in 1882

newFamily Homes documents

The O'Malleys Move to Gardenville -- 1929

2004 Reunion Photos

2007 Reunion Photos

Trivia and Fun Facts

Photo Library

Other Branches on the O'Malley Family Tree (under construction)

Search for a family member (under construction)

Gravestone Photos

Funeral Prayer Cards

Information on the Knop Family

Wedding video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz - 1948

Memories from Family and Friends

Edward James O'Malley's 1910 yearbook entry

Holy Redeemer Cemetery Burial Information


Chronological List of Birthdates

Contact Kathy

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O'Malley family members in Baltimore - 2013
Left to right: Rich Bates, Tim Bates, Dan Bates, Jeff O'Malley, Colleen Wright Griffith,
Steph Bates, Maureen Wright, Rich's wife Darlene (behind Maureen, next to Steph), Pat Griffin,
Patsy Bates, CeCe Bates


featureNews and Notes

09/10/2024 New link on the left side of the home page (Military Documents) showing documents for father of the nine siblings Edward, his sons Eddie, Danny, and AG, and Carl Knop.

09/02/2024 Added a link to the left side of the home page (Family Homes) to a list of the residences occupied by the various O'Malley family members.

08/23/2024 Added a link to O'Malley related census entries from 1900 - 1950 (Census Info (1900-1950)) to the left side of the home page.

08/23/2024 Added a link to the left side of the home page (Albert Knop sails to America in 1882) to documents related to Albert Knop's journey to America from Germany in the 1880s. He is the maternal grandfather of the nine siblings.

08/17/2024 According to the 1920 census, Edward (age 27) and Louise (age 23) O'Malley, parents of the nine siblings, are now residing at 3210 Abell Avenue with their firstborn son, Eddie, who was born in 1918 and is a year old. Edward's occupation is listed as Cafe Manager.
The 1920 census information is here .
Current pictures of the Abell house are here .

07/25/2024 On to the 1910 census, which you can see here .
According to the 1910 census, there are 11 people living in the house on Hillen Road:
Edward, age 63, saloon keeper
Mary, age 53
Catherine (O'Malley) Magill, age 28
Patrick, age 24, saloon clerk
Edward (father of the nine siblings), age 18
James Magill (son-in-law), age 31, Hotel clerk
Mary Magill, age 3
Edward Magill, age 2
Arbus Magill, age 1
Patrick O'Toole (nephew), age 20, clerk
John O'Toole (nephew), age 18, machinist

07/24/2024 I attempted to obtain some information from the 1890 census, but instead learned that 99% of the 1890 census records were destroyed in a fire at the US Department of Commerce in January 1921. Of 62,979,766 records, only 6,160 remain.

07/21/2024 A bit of O'Malley history. Much of this information is taken from the 1900 census, which you can see here . If you are one of the 38 cousins, children of the nine siblings, Edward and Mary O'Malley are your great grandparents, born in Ireland in 1849 and 1855, respectively.
Great grandfather Edward left Ireland to come to the United States in 1870 at age 21. Great grandmother Mary left Ireland to come to the United States in 1875.
The 1900 census reports that the couple had been married for 20 years, which means they were married in the US around 1880, when Edward was about 30 and Mary was about 25.
They had four children, all born in the US:
Kate 1881
Bessie 1884
Patrick 1886
Grandfather Edward 1891
Also living with the family on Hillen Road was a nephew, also named Edward, born in Ireland in 1882, and working as a bartender.
Great grandfather Edward's occupation is listed in the census as Saloon Keeper, Kate as Dressmaker.

More history coming soon.....

05/29/2024 sent me a new updated ethnicity profile, a profile they say is more precise than the updated one they sent me in 2023. It is based on a DNA sample I submitted in 2018. Percent of Irish heritage increased from 25% to 33%. Not sure why, but I'll take it. I've included the new information on the About the Website page.P.S. Happy birthday Mom.

04/29/24 Added a photo of the gravestone of Dot O'Malley Galvin and John Galvin. The grave is located in Saint Mary's Catholic Cemetery in the Govans area of Baltimore. The plot is located in the Saint Joseph Columbarium area of the cemetery. See picture #16 in the Gravestone Photos page here.

07/13/2023 Kathy is just back from a month of traveling by car to Dallas Texas, Pinehurst, North Carolina, Ocean City, Maryland, and Rochester, New York. 16 States in all. Added a photo of Kathy in Oklahoma at the Gene Autry Museum (one of many stops) to the home page for a while.

04/16/2023 Fun Fact: At last count, there are 106 pages on the O'Malley website, and 757 photos.

04/05/2023 Added a photo of siblings Bob, Dave, and Joe O'Malley, and their sister Terry O'Malley Francis to Danny's Photos page 2 (#38), and, for a time, to the Home page.

03/31/2023 Four more photos from Steph Bates on Patsy's Photos Page 5, #93-96. Included are photos of Steph and her niece Devika (CeCe's daughter) taken in Washington DC in the Summer of 2022, and photos of CeCe's son Sachin and her new granddaughter Roma.

03/26/2023 Another photo on the Patsy's Photos Page 4 #91 from Steph Bates, taken at the memorial luncheon in Virginia for her mom Patsy O'Malley Bates.

03/24/2023 More photos from Steph Bates on the Photos Post-1950 page 5 #101 - 104. The photos were taken in August 2021, at a memorial luncheon for Patsy O'Malley Bates, who died in June 2021.

03/20/2023 Added a new photo of siblings Colin and Colleen (children of Rhea) to Rhea's Photos page 2 (#23), and, for a time, to the Home page.Thanks to Steph Bates for the photo -- more photos from Steph coming soon.

03/15/2023 sent me a new updated ethnicity profile, a profile they say is more precise than the updated one they sent me in 2021. It is based on a DNA sample I submitted in 2018. I've included the new information on the About the Website page.

08/26/2022 Ellen Knop Marshall, first cousin of the nine O'Malley siblings, has published a book. It's entitled Our Favorite Vacation Beach - Ocean City Maryland and is available at, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

05/13/2022 Added 1950 census information for 2606 Frankford here, where Catherine O'Malley Griffin, her husband Earl "Pat" Griffin, their son Patrick, and Catherine's sister Patsy O'Malley lived. This page now contains 1950 census information for a) Eddie, Dot, AG, Jerry, and Rhea; b) Danny and Betty; c) Helen and Lou Steinitz, and d) Catherine and Pat Griffin, their son Pat, and Catherine's sister Patsy.

05/12/2022 Added 1950 census information for 3815 Woodlea here, where Helen O'Malley Steinitz and Louis J. Steinitz lived.

05/11/2022 Added 1950 census information for 3905 Echodale here. In 1950 Joseph and Myrtle Snack (Betty's mom and dad) owned this house, and lived there with their daughter Betty and her husband Danny, one of the nine siblings. They eventually sold the house to Earl "Pat" Griffin and his wife Catherine (also one of the nine siblings).

05/10/2022 Contents of the 1950 census have been released to the public, so I've been doing some searching to find some information on our family. It's slow going, but so far I've found data on the residents of 4500 LaSalle Avenue in 1950. Residents included Eddie, his wife Dot, brothers AG and Jerry, and sister Rhea. Check it out here. I've also added this link to the Documents page.

03/23/2022 Welcome to a new member of the family. Anthony (Tony) Blaine Kingston, son of Kaylee and Eddie Kingston, grandson of Tim Bates, and great grandson of Bob and Patsy O'Malley Bates, born on 03/18/2022.

03/12/2022 Added a photo of my parents, Helen O'Malley Steinitz and Lou Steinitz, to Helen's Photos page 4 (#90), and, for a time, to the Home page.

03/01/2022 Added a photo from the summer of 1952 to Photos Post-1950 page5 (#101), and, for a time, to the Home page.

02/12/2022 Added a link to a video of Helen O'Malley and Lou Steinitz (my parents) on their wedding day, June 12, 1948. The link is on Helen's page, and also below. The video is about 4 minutes long and is not the best quality (it is 70+ years old) but I could identify, in addition to Helen and Lou, Eddie, Patsy, Catherine, Danny, Rhea, Father Mardaga, Lou and Dolores Murphy, Karl Steinitz, and Betty and Phil McMahon. It was filmed mostly at 4500 LaSalle Avenue. Click here to check it out. The video actually starts at about the 10 second mark.

-- Kathy

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